Meet Beaded Jewellery Designer, Carolyn Cave

Photo: Bethany Ludtke
​​As a self-taught bead artist living in Alberta (Canada), I enjoy the endless creativity derived from stringing and stitching “little round shiny things with holes in them”. This is both a frustrating and exhilarating way to fill in the spare moments of my very full days as a wife, mother to three adult daughters and one son-in-law, and musician.
Creativity has always played a large role in my life, from sewing clothes at a young age, to experimenting with a wide variety of arts and crafts; from earning a Degree in Music and playing several instruments, to making jewellery. My creations are inspired by a wide variety of things – the colours and shapes of the natural world, works of vintage and antique beaded art, the encouraging comments of my family, and the many hours spent “composing” with needle, beads and thread.
My work has been published in magazines around the world -- Bead and Button (USA), Beadwork (USA), Beading Polska (Poland), Fashion Handicraft (Ukraine), Bead and Jewellery (UK) and Perlen Poesie (Germany). I have won numerous beading awards, I am a member of the BeadSmith’s Inspiration Squad and I have done design work for several large European bead manufacturers.
I have written two books, Beautiful Designs with SuperDuos and Twin Beads and Stitching With a Handful of Beads, both published by Kalmbach. You can see more of my work on my Facebook page, Lady Beadle Designs by Carolyn Cave.
University of Western Ontario, London
B.Mus. (Hon)
B.Ed. (Hon)
The Beadsmith Inspiration Squad
Design Work completed for
Glass Beads
Rutkovsky Bead Innovations